诚实丨Chuck 每日一卡
2023-05-10 14:56:27
深圳零极限每日节录一篇PoV愿景心理学创始人恰克·史匹桑诺博士著作《每日一卡》主题供作自我疗愈练习之用,由零极限PoV导师赖裕源(Ian Lai)翻译,欢迎持续关注!《诚实》。这是没有欺骗的诚心诚意。它带着敞开和高尚的意图,所有在这顺流中的都获得成功。这是没有仇恨或报复,只有敞开的心。诚实是给所有人的祝福,同时允许有很好的接受。祝美好!GUILELESS is the card for today. This allows the sincerity that is without deceit. It contains open and honorable intent and those who are in the flow of this are rewarded with success. It is without rancor or revenge but is openhearted. Being GUILELESS is a blessing to all around and it allows great receiving. Have a good one!~ PoV伴你走向喜悦、和谐、成功、富足、丰盛! ~深圳零极限官方网站:http://www.china2011-cp.com①从朋友圈进来的新朋友:点击标题下面的“深圳零极限”关注我们想得到更多关于我们及课程的资讯,欢迎点击"阅读原文"浏览我们的网站。